9 Things Only A Would Be Bride Will Understand

would be Bride will understand
would be Bride will understand

Marriages are a huge thing, not just in the sense that they are huge ceremonies but also in the sense that it is a very big decision for any person to take. The responsibilities of both the partners are equally challenging but that felt by the would-be bride, especially if she belongs from an Indian family is overwhelming. Not just being handled the responsibility of forming a family she would have to leave the one she had spent her entire life with and stay with one she hardly knows. Unless you have been in the boat and are already happily married, the tensions of a would-be bride are hard to fathom.

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Here are 9 Things Only A Would Be Bride Will Understand

1. Selecting The Wedding Date

would be Bride will understand

It might sound like just selecting a wedding date, but in reality selecting a wedding date can prove to be quite tricky with many timings, religious considerations as in the case if Indian Weddings and people have to kept into consideration before finalizing a date for the wedding.

2. Selecting The Bridesmaid

The pain and anxiety of having to choose between your best friends forever for who will be the bridesmaid can prove to be a huge problem.

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3. The Anxiety of Pleasing Every Guest

would be Bride will understand

Everybody wants their weddings to be big fat Greek weddings and wishes to provide every guest with a plus one. However, it is also compulsory to stick with the budget and however hard you want for that to happen it just can’t be possible. Consider the great travesty when somebody informs you just a few days before the wedding that they are going to bring someone along, resorting all the seating arrangements can prove to be quite a nightmare.

4. Choosing The Perfect Wedding Dresswould be Bride will understand

Planning the entire wedding and spending a ridiculous amount of time in choosing the perfect wedding dress is kind of a necessary and exciting custom for would be brides.

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5. Choosing The Dream Wedding Venue

The pain of having to discover that the perfect wedding venue is not available until after two years is excruciating.

6. Worrying About Things That Are Usually Not Worried About

There is beauty in the fact that you will start to talk in a whole new baffling language once you get engaged which will be quite shocking to your unengaged friends or even your fiancée. The fact that you are concerned about table settings and the color of the napkin to be used is quite strange.

7. Being Worried About People Not RSVP’ing On Time

would be Bride will understand

Another fear that would-be brides face while planning their weddings is the fear of people not RSVP’ing on time and there not being adequate arrangements or accommodations for everybody since they had let it be known that they would be coming much later. This fear of the wedding being not up to the mark can drive would-be brides insane.

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8. Anxiety of Getting Everything Perfect

The foremost priority of a would-be bride is to arrange a wedding such that everybody in it is sure to have fun and hence all this hullaballoo over perfection.

9. The Excitement of Getting Married

would be Bride will understand

Although a lot of complaints and groans are made about the wedding planning process, a would-be bride wouldn’t give it away for the entire world because at the end of the day they are more excited about getting to marry the guy that they love.

These are a few of the things every would-be bride is bound to experience, and whether good or bad, every soon-to-be bride is bound to experience them and would only be understood by women that are already married or are about to be married.

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Day 7 Answers:
1. Healing, Understanding, and Gratitude
2. One (1) hour
3. 8 hugs a day